
刚才突然发现网站打开很慢,一直在转,不知道哪里出了问题,赶紧登录服务器,发现服务器上执行命令也要好一会才出结果,top一下,发现CPU飙到300%多,而且一直维持在这么高,执行的命令是kthreaddk。 百度了一下,呃,挖矿病毒,不过都是kthreaddi,这个是kthreaddk,难道是升级版? 继续百度一下处理方案, 好像也没有特别简明和确切的。 都是查看一下,删除文件以及kill进程: ls -l /proc/[pid]/exe — 这里pid就是top命令最左侧列的数值,即进程ID(process identifier ) sudo kill -9 [pid] 使用ls命令查看的时候,也都是后面有(deleted)标识,并且相关目录也是为空。 kill后随机又出现一个新的同样是执行kthreaddk命令的进程,CPU又是飙升不降。 crontab -l 命令或者 crontab -e 命令似乎没有什么信息。 后来一通搜索后懵懵懂懂的就认为是gitlab的问题,有了方向就好办了,由于gitlab是使用docker来运行的,直接 docker stop gitlab, 停止后居然CPU就恢复正常了,意外之喜。那么后面怎么办?要不要删掉实例重新创建? 由于打算研究一下,于是重启实例,居然没事了。好吧,有惊无险糊里糊涂的处理了病毒问题,也不知道会不会再出现,只能有碰到再继续研究了。 另外,登录gitlab后,在右侧问号图标处下拉菜单选择help可以查看当前gitlab版本。


题目 The viper was ensnared and put in a cage. Her heart was frigid as the weather outside. The ferry to France will leave from quay 6 at 4:35 p.m. Causing much discontent, his regime didn’t remain in power for long. He continued to hew at the gigantic tree with his axe. We should all […]

Redis cluster 官方文档(选摘)

Redis cluster tutorial This tutorial tries to provide information about the availability and consistency characteristics of Redis Cluster from the point of view of the final user, stated in a simple to understand way. Note this tutorial requires Redis version 3.0 or higher. Redis Cluster 101 Redis Cluster provides a way to run a Redis […]

volatile 以及同步相关内容

volatile Fields The Java programming language allows threads to access shared variables (§17.1). As a rule, to ensure that shared variables are consistently and reliably updated, a thread should ensure that it has exclusive use of such variables by obtaining a lock that, conventionally, enforces mutual exclusion for those shared variables. The Java programming language provides […]

TypeScript 学习(一)

TypeScript Documentation TypeScript for the New Programmer What is JavaScript? A Brief History JavaScript (also known as ECMAScript) started its life as a simple scripting language for browsers. At the time it was invented, it was expected to be used for short snippets of code embedded in a web page — writing more than a […]


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2022. Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array

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官网 Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code Find Problems ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. ESLint is built into most text editors and you can run ESLint as part of your continuous integration pipeline. Fix Automatically Many problems ESLint finds can be automatically fixed. ESLint fixes are syntax-aware so you […]


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